Building a More Efficient: Mastering Competencies and High Performance Execution




  1. Assistants, engineers, and staff from various departments, etc.

  2. Individuals looking to upgrade their professional skills, transitioning from a supportive role to a leadership role.

  3. Those aspiring to become reliable professionals in their jobs.

  4. Individuals who find it challenging or feel overwhelmed by tasks assigned by supervisors or bosses.

  5. Individuals looking to enhance their presentation and proposal skills.

  6. Those aiming to become high-performing professionals.


  1. The course begins by developing participants’ thinking capabilities, progressing to strategic expression skills that demonstrate higher levels of thought. It covers indispensable team skills such as core problem identification, problem-solving, and high-performance execution, extending to influence and habit development.
  2. The course involves hands-on practice, utilizing existing frameworks and clearly understandable models to guide participants through the intricacies involved.


Day 1Career development trajectory, cultivation of critical thinking skills, and communication strategic capabilities.



#1 Workplace Development Curve

  • From the career development journey, understand the environment in which you operate and the necessary hard and soft skills required.

【GROUP ACTIVITIES】”Three Truths and a Lie”, an icebreaker and team grouping exercise.

  • Introduction to Core Workplace Competencies
  1. Thinking – The foundation of all core skills (seeing through people).
  2. Strategic Expression – Communication and presentation skills.
  3. Problem-Solving – Planning skills, analytical skills.
  4. Attitudinal – Career advancement skills, cohesive leadership skills (controlling the situation), game theory strategies, performing well in work reporting, building your trust reserve.
  5. Influence –Influencing influential people (impacting people and organizations to prompt action), how to exert lateral leadership without formal authority.
  6. High Performance Execution – Execution training skills, habit formation skills (decisive execution).

3 hrs

Lecturer Lessons

Practical Exercises

Interactive Verify

#1 Critical Thinking

  • The Golden Circle Theory, start with “why”, understand what mind mapping is, and strengthen thinking and learning abilities.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】Mind Mapping Exercise

#2 Strategic Expression Ability

  • Strategic Expression
    Have you analyzed before speaking? How to make error-free decisions and begin with appropriate analysis and communication.
    Error-free decision-making focuses on big data, reverse deduction, and breakthroughs in positive thinking.
    Error-free decision-making equates to good decision-making, an essential course for everyone.
  • Presentation Strategy
    Presentation techniques: how to use tools and modular solutions to address workplace issues.
    Solve problems, create value, and present proposals that both bosses and clients will buy into.
    Then, understand the situation (atmosphere), build momentum, and turn chance into inevitability.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】Organize work resumes using specific logical frameworks.


3 hrss

Lecturer Lessons

Practical Exercises

Interactive Verify

Day 2 Problem-Solving and Attitude Skills



#1 Problem-Solving Skills

  • Planning Techniques
    Logical thinking in problem analysis – facts, feelings, values.
    Understanding the 3C, 5P, and Problem Rules.
  • Problem-Solving Skills
    Analysis of problem-solving skills using the BCG framework.
    Utilizing the Pyramid Principle to organize thoughts and directly address the essence of problems, exploring issues through lateral thinking.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】BCG Problem-Solving Test, following examples to produce analysis in context.

3 hrs

Lecturer Lessons

Practical Exercises

Interactive Verify

#2 Working Attitude Skills

  • Skill Upgrading Techniques
    From challenges and dilemmas, career development models to mastering details, continuous learning with enthusiasm in professional ethics.
    Positioning oneself is essential before skill upgrading.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】Learn how to position oneself and identify one’s ideal target audience for optimization and improvement.


  • Value Creation and Situation Analysis Skills
    Exploring a business’s value from its essence.
    Mastering the key to creating value.
    Understanding organizational politics and leveraging it.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】Post-lesson practice on organizational culture.

3 hrs

Lecturer Lessons

Practical Exercises

Interactive Verify

Day 3Influence and High Performance Execution



#1 Influence

  • Influence (Management) Accountability
    Understanding others’ values and goals.
    Utilizing lateral influence to impact others.
    Sometimes bosses may not express their true expectations and methods. How to manage relationships and manage upwards.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】Post-lesson practice on relationship management.

3 hrs

Lecturer Lessons

Practical Exercises

Interactive Verify

#2 High Performance Execution

  • Self-management and Core Thinking
    How to cultivate habits and prioritize important tasks using tools and methods.
    Time Management
  • Work Methods and Mindset
    How to focus and efficiently leverage efforts.
    How to accept imperfection, be kind to oneself, and recharge before moving forward.
    【GROUP ACTIVITIES】Enhancing execution skills through the “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.”

3 hrs

Lecturer Lessons

Practical Exercises

Interactive Verify

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